Create and capture demand from local searchers

Reach millions of new customers at scale with Google Shopping Ads, and optimise your feed to improve traffic quality and sales quantity.
Sell your services on the SERPs. Promote USPs, fast delivery and promo codes, drive local shopping, highlight key brand messages and calls to action, and add urgency with countdown timers directly in your ads.
Utilise thousands of data collection points to find and target your ideal customer, including users who have already visited your site or purchased in the past. Sell your products with eye-catching imagery and snappy calls to action.
Performance Max
The ‘black box’ of Google’s ad formats – understand which audiences are seeing and clicking ads, and drive in-store visits via Maps pins.
Demand Gen
Leverage the power of Display targeting options, but across Google Discover, YouTube and Gmail ad formats.
To begin, let’s discuss your objectives
The Process
Before campaigns are setup for sales, we review your business data.
Which products and services have highest margins, most stock available, highest AOVs/contract values, best customer lifetime values? And how does that match demand, and how many people are searching for those products/services each month?
With great conversion tracking comes great leads, revenue, ROAS and cost per lead performance. Getting this foundation setup and navigating consent changes is essential to the success and scaling of any campaigns.
Using your business data, budgets and objectives, we discuss your ads marketing mix to capture as much market demand (from your ideal customer profile) as possible. Keyword research is undertaken to estimate traffic from your budget, and overlayed with conversion rates to project revenue and enquiries from Google Ads.
Never ‘set and forget’, always ‘test, learn, and scale’. With over a decade Ads management experience, I optimise Google Ads and Microsoft Ads campaigns based on what I’ve learned from managing 100s of accounts. Every business is different, so let’s start with my refined best-practices to achieve your target ROAS or cost per lead as quickly as possible – then scale up once we know what works.
“We have worked with Hannah at Zora Marketing on multiple projects, with multiple clients now,and she is without doubt the best paid marketing manager we’ve ever had the pleasure ofdealing with. Not only is she knowledgeable, with a wealth of experience in dealing withbusinesses of all sizes, she has a genuine interest and passion for the digital marketing world –and it shows.
We never hesitate to introduce Hannah directly to our clients, as she’s able to speak withconfidence, getting right under the skin of the clients aims and objectives – she’s also not afraidto recommend the right course of action, even if that might be met with hesitation from theclient.
Then there’s the results – we’ve worked with multiple paid marketing managers, and whilstnone of them are bad, none of them get the results like Hannah does. She always makes theclients’ budget go that little bit further and she will always be our number one choice when weneed help in this arena.”
Andy Robson, Squidgy